Plant Indoor Supplemental Light

LED lights are changing the perception of lighting and the expectations of lighting suppliers. LEDs are now successfully replacing traditional lighting applications using HID, metal halide, and fluorescent lamps. Luxgrow products give your crops the spectrum and intensity they need without adding extra heat, giving you more control over your greenhouse climate and making year-round production possible. Luxgrow makes planting more accessible and efficient by providing the best greenhouse-growth spectrum, especially cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce. Increase the yield of crops and improve the taste of those crops. Luxgrow helps people live better and healthier.

Plant Indoor Supplemental Light

LED lights are changing the perception of lighting and the expectations of lighting suppliers. LEDs are now successfully replacing traditional lighting applications using HID, metal halide, and fluorescent lamps. Luxgrow products give your crops the spectrum and intensity they need without adding extra heat, giving you more control over your greenhouse climate and making year-round production possible. Luxgrow makes planting more accessible and efficient by providing the best greenhouse-growth spectrum, especially cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce. Increase the yield of crops and improve the taste of those crops. Luxgrow helps people live better and healthier.

LPTX Serise

LPTC Series

LPNG Series

LPNS Series

LPNV Series

Order Your Kind LED Grow Light

Luxgrow is committed to designing and manufacturing the best performing LED grow lights for serious growers. Our highly experienced architects and engineers will help you plan and optimize a scalable growing operation.